The 2River View: “Blue Nightgown"and "Snow Globe"
The 2River View: “I died, and lost flight”
Glass: A Journal of Poetry, “First Love”
Glass: A Journal of Poetry, “If Mother”
Jet Fuel Review: "Devoured" and "Ordinary Light"
Juniper: "Late Summer, Persephone"
Literary Mama: “On His Second Birthday”
Literary Mama: “Weaning: Burial”
Literary Mama: “Weaning: God”
Literary Mama: “Weaning: Hurricane”
The Maynard: “Trust The Trees”
Nashville Review, “Marriage”
No Tell Motel: “Dream of the Mother”
No Tell Motel: “His Dark Mouth”
No Tell Motel: “His First Week”
No Tell Motel: “Newborn Haze”
The Summerset Review, “House”
The Summerset Review, “Skin”
Sweet Lit: “Reading the News”
THRUSH Poetry Journal, “Breadcrumbs”
Valparaiso Poetry Review, “My Father’s Life in the Sun”
Verse Daily: "Dream of the End of the World"